Doctor Geek/Nerd

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Installing NOOBS onto Raspberry Pi with Mac OSX

The Instructions for this project can be found on the Raspberry Pi Website.

Project Type: Raspberry Pi
Software: SD Formatter
OS: OSX 10.10
Project Source:

How Do I Rate this Project? 1-10

Instruction Rating - 8
The longest part for this project was the downloading of Noobs.
The step by step was straight forward and there weren't any issues.
The downside is there aren't a lot screen shots, so I wasn't always sure what I was supposed to be seeing.

Mr. Wizard Rating - 5
I found at neat tool for formatting an SDHC card and I learned how to put Noobs on the Raspberry Pi but it's pretty basic.

Formatting the SD card

Copy the Files of from the Noobs folder to the SDHC card

Choose the OS to install

Raspbian Installing

Raspbian Desktop